Archives : October-2023

A Grätzl is a quarter or neighbourhood of Vienna. Grätzln (the plural form) are smaller areas than the districts of Vienna. Grätzlfeste are local events. Grätzl is often described as being a Viennese word, but it seems to be used for parts of the city in Graz and Linz too. Language in Use Here’s a ..

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When Austria joined the EU, 23 food-related words were defined in the accession agreement. I’ve adapted this table slightly from Wikipedia: Austrian Standard German Standard German English Erdäpfel Kartoffel Potato Eierspeise Rühreier Scrambled eggs Schlagobers Schlagsahne Whipped cream Faschiertes Hackfleisch Mince Fisolen Gartenbohnenor Grüne Bohnen Green beans Karfiol Blumenkohl Cauliflower Kohlsprossen Rosenkohl Brussels sprouts Marille ..

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If youe live or have ever lived in Austria, you’ll probably have quickly learned this word for the registration form that residents have to complete within 3 days of arrival. But did you know that this is actually an Austrian German word? In Germany, Meldebescheinigung is use..

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