Author : Admin
Here’s an article about the dialect of Montafon in Austria: https://www.unesco.at/en/culture/intangible-cultural-heritage/national-inventory/news-1/article/the-dialect-o..
Another word for a Bankautomatkarte is a ..
For those learning German who live in Austria, these are the first Austrian German words that are encountered. These are the types of words that are well-documented online with lots of resources. So I don’t have much to add here for those. Here’s one listicle from Babbel: https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/austrian-german-words I agree that the words on this ..
“File:Bendlgasse 11, Vienna.jpg” by Herzi Pinki is licensed under CC ..
One great article about bureaucratic language in Austria can be found here, with a few examples on the third page of the PDF: https://www.dioe.at/fileadmin/user_upload/presse/_Die_Republik_04_2021_Beamtensprache_final.pdf Language in use: one of these examples is Ruhegenuss, meaning pension, and you can see this in use in the title on this page: https://www.bvaeb.at/cdscontent/?contentid=10007.839434&portal=bvaebbportal&portalTargetGroup=esv_content_sibling_a And there’s a great presentation about ..
In Austria, Pension is often used for pension where Rente would be used i..
A Tschick is a cigarette. Language in use I recently heard this funny song from 2010 while watching a programme on Au..
A Maut is a toll. “Maut” by Tim Reckmann | a59.de is licensed under ..
Readers who are fluent in German can take a look at this article about Austrian legal language, available at: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiD56nYidGDAxUdYEEAHfQYATEQFnoECBkQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Frebus.us.edu.pl%2Fbitstream%2F20.500.12128%2F12611%2F1%2FPaluszek_Die_Besonderheiten_der_Osterreichischen.pdf&usg=AOvVaw011xBY2_OH7G-eGhI5qSE2&opi=89978449 One example is that Konsument is used in Austria where Verbraucher is ofen used in standa..
2. I also found parts of this blog article from a translation company helpful – I liked the collocation (word combination) section and the bank holiday summary: https://www.teamajt.com/localising-into-german-heres-why-you-shouldnt-forget-about-austria/ 3. And there’s a list of general resources for Austrian German on this page: http://joycep.myweb.port.ac.uk/dialects/obo..
Pfusch is a great example of “false friend” if you compare the meaning in Austrian and standard German. In Austria, it means illicit work and in Germany it means poor-quality work. How often is it used? In terms of frequency, I used to receive Wiener Wirtschaft, a weekly business newspaper published by the Austrian Chamber ..
The varient dictionary of German contains detailed information about the countries and regions in which a particular word is used and a word’s equivalent in standard German. I waited a while to buy this book, which costs about £40, and wish I’d got it earlier! It is perfect for anyone trying to improve their understanding ..
A Dirndlkoalition is a political coalition of three parties. The colours of the parties are similar to common Dirndl colours: the conservative ÖVP (turquoise), the Greens (green) and the liberal NEOs (pink). In Germany, it is called a Jamaica coalition. There was a Dirndl-Koalition in the Salzburg province until A..
A pickerl is a sticker. In the last few years, the most common use of this is found in articles about the Parkpickerl, the parking permit in Vienna. The scheme has now been extended to all of the districts in Vienna. “Nahaufnahme des Parkpickerl für Wiener” by Ivan Radic is licensed under ..
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